5 Important Things for Your Ecommerce Website Development

If you are engaged in e-commerce, then a vital part of starting your business is website development.

Website development has a major role to play in the success of your e-commerce business so you should really give a lot of effort to it.

There are lots of elements that comprise website development and you should be able to understand each in order for your e-commerce site to work in your favor.

Here are 5 of the fundamental considerations that you should have as you endeavor to develop your e-commerce website:

1. Responsive Design

The very basic consideration that you should have when it comes to building your website is that it should have a responsive web design.

Initially, responsive web design may seem to mean that the site can be accessed from a computer and that it will run smoothly.

But nowadays, responsive design is taken a step higher and now means that your site should perform well not only on computers but from other devices such as mobile phones.

With the significant increase of mobile usage for e-commerce, this is absolutely necessary, and this is an idea that you should not take for granted.

With a responsive web design, your site is given the ability to adapt to whatever device it is accessed from, providing a quality experience.

The goal here is to design your website to work on all devices with little to no problem.

2. Website Security

In building your site, make sure that you give security the attention it deserves. Security is no laughing matter and should not be taken lightly.

With all the cybersecurity breaches going on, having a tough website security is not optional.

With this in mind, you should be prepared to adopt tough security measures which include firewall, secure sockets layer (SSL), encryption, anti-virus, and anti-malware.

It is essential that you have dependable security tools that would ensure that those who make transactions with you are 100% safe. Subjecting your customers to risk is a big no. One single breach and you risk losing everything.

So make sure that you implement trustworthy security measures to ensure that your site can protect your customer’s information.

Take note that you are dealing with some sensitive customer information when you transact with them.

Your customers expect you to keep their information safe, away from the hands of cyber crooks. It is mandatory that you do not put the trust they give to waste.

3. Search Functionality

Your website’s navigation scheme is also important. You should target to make it as easy as possible to navigate through your e-commerce site.

The less clicks the users would need to make before reaching their desired product, the better.

When it comes to navigation, one of the best practices that you should do is to implement search functionality.

This makes navigation a lot easier as customers would no longer need to go through the whole process of searching through product categories and pages when they already know what exact product they would want to buy.

Your customers would appreciate it if you provide ways to make it easier for them. So give search functionality a try.

To make search work at its best, ensure that you make your product descriptions contain substantial information to make your products searchable.

4. Support Guest Checkouts

Some customers are hesitant to sign up for any e-commerce site. As a business, it’s great to be able to appeal as many users as possible to make sure to be able to allow checking out as a guest.

Checking out as a guest is an easy option for your customers to complete their purchase and a lot of users would surely do as such. Don’t make signing up a required action.

If you really want to not limit your customer base, allow checking out as a guest.

Although we understand that it is also important to build on a solid customer base, you should not force it by requiring a customer to sign up before he or she can complete his or her purchase.

What you can do is to incentivize those who do sign up. Some things that you can give are discounts.

5. Optimize Site Performance

Finally, remember to ensure that your site performs at its absolute best. It should load no longer than 3 seconds. Any longer than this would affect your site’s impression to your customers.

To accomplish this, you should work on making your site lighter, and make an effort to make your site’s elements to work efficiently together.

You may also consider using caching to help lower data transfer time.

Your product photography is very important in presenting your products, it adds the professional look and details that keen eyed customers are looking for.

As always, do not sacrifice your website performance because of large size file photos. Good thing that there are website caching functionalities and content delivery network (CDN) that can help website load these image assets faster.

Optimizing your site performance is also an essential step in trying to accomplish your goals when you decided to implement search engine optimization (SEO) for your site.


There are lots of factors to consider when you decide to develop your e-commerce site. 5 of the most fundamental factors are stated above and should help you make sure that the whole process brings about the most out of your e-commerce business.

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