SEO Tips :: How to Increase Your Site’s Alexa Rank

Nowadays, a large number of people have their own websites to promote their products, services, online shopping stores or even to get theirself popularity. And maybe you are classified as one of them. To get more traffic to their websites, sure you are always look on for tips to improve performance of your websites to make profit out of it. One of the common way that you have to do is to increase your site’s Alexa rank. Alexa is a website that provides information on traffic levels in different websites. Almost all website owners join Alexa to remain updated about the performance of their own website.

chart_adegondangWhat is Alexa Rank and How Important is Alexa Rank to Our Websites?

Alexa Rank is a rough measure of a website’s popularity, compared with all the others out there on the internet, taking into account both the number of visitors and the number of pages viewed on each visit. It means that Alexa Rank reflects the traffic of your website.

Alexa rank is very important, blogs or websites with impressive Alexa rank attract the advertisers to spend money on your site to feature their service/product. High Alexa rank can impress advertisers easily as it shows the quality of the site. This can help bloggers to make money from direct advertisements. Not only that, besides money, high Alex rank can help you to gain popularity by your sites and build a trust for a reader of your sites. And the most important thing is other bloggers will start linking to your site if you have great Alexa rank.It will generate more natural backlinks for you.

How to Increase Your Site’s Alexa Rank?

It is important for the websites to rank higher in Alexa in order to increase credibility, attract advertisers and SEO traffic. Now there are several tips to increase your site’s Alexa Rank. Some of the most effective tips will be listed at this details:

Tips #1: Install Alexa Toolbar and Set Your Website as Home Page at Your Browser

If you are planning to increae your site’s Alexa rank, your first step should be to install the Alexa Toolbar in your browser. You should then set your website as your home page. Because of that, whenever you open the browser, it will be counted by the Alexa Toolbar as one hit. Then, it is likely to improve the ratings provided by Alexa to your website, therefore it will be enhancing the rankings as well. Don’t forget to add Alexa widgets to your site or blog too. Alexa widget helps Alexa servers to better track the traffic.

Tips #2: Request Visitors to Write a Positive Review about Your Website

Visitors to your website can play an important role in helping you increase your site’s Alexa rank. Request the website visitors to write positive testimonials about your website on the detailed listing page of Alexa. You can provide the link on your website, on which the visitors should click to reach the page where they need to write the review. A positive review about your website is likely to help it improve the search engine & Alexa rankings.

Tips #3: Provide a Blog to Attract Webmasters and Bloggers

Articles written about SEO can also help increase your site’s Alexa rank. As the webmasters are always looking for new SEO tools, providing information about them in your article can help you attract them to your website. This will surely increase the number of visits and so it will help you improve Alexa rank of your website. Writing about Alexa in your blog can also come in handy in this purpose. This is likely to impress the readers of your blog to visit your website. This, in turn, will increase the number of visitors and escpecially increase your site’s Alexa rank.

Tips #4: Comment in Another Sites and Provide the Backlinks

It is bit significant to do proper marketing of your website. Write in different forums and create backlinks to your site. This is likely to help you increase the number of visitors to your website. This is going to have a positive effect on the Alexa ranking of the site. This procedure has been followed by a large number of people to improve the Alexa ranking of their websites.

Tips #5: Write a Good Quality Site’s Content with Unique and Useful Information

The last and the most important thing to increase your site’s Alexa rank is to write good quality content. It will help you to improve website traffic and another thing is Google loves good quality Content. Good content always strikes high-ranking in SERP’s and will help you to increase the amount of traffic on your site.So, it can increase the returning visitors too. returning visitors help a lot to boost blog’s ranking. When you’re content is very useful and attracts them, they will share your content several times on their various social network profiles. You know how it will be beneficial for you.

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