Get Latest ASP.NET Core 8 on

We are pleased to inform that ASP.NET Core 8 is now supported on all HostForLIFE servers. Both new and current customers can request this feature by opening a support ticket, and our team will take care of setting it up for you. Continue reading this blog post to find out more about the new features included in the most recent version of ASP.NET Core 8. ASP.NET Core 8 New Features 1. Garbage Collector Improvements The

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Why You Must Backup Your Files Periodically

Your website needs to be backed up. As an entrepreneur, it serves as the center of your brand. Every element of your website is a product of your choices and mindset. There are numerous security precautions that you ought to consider carefully, such as: Antivirus (AV) scanning Security awareness training Proactive password management Web application firewall (WAF) configuration Despite your best efforts to adhere to cybersecurity best practices, cyberattacks are still a possibility. This isn't

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How to Fix 502 Bad Gateway

Do you have an error 502 Bad Gateway? Don't dismiss it too soon. While a quick refresh usually fixes a one-time error, persistent errors may indicate more serious problems. These can grow into serious problems if ignored, including decreased traffic, subpar user experience, and increased security risks, to mention a few. Whether your website errors or something else is the source of the problem, it's critical to identify it as soon as possible. The bad

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Are You StartUp? You Must Have Referral Program

You consult your best friend for advice when you want to purchase a car. You ask your mother for recommendations when you want to buy baby products. You decide to invest in real estate and ask your family broker to evaluate the neighborhood. Overall, they will give you a recommendation. Additionally, it will frequently be a product or service. All of this is referral marketing, also known as conventional "word-of-mouth" marketing. It occurs when someone

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How to Fix 403 Error in WordPress?

Being blocked from your own website can be very annoying, especially if you don't know what is wrong. When you attempt to access a particular page on your website or log into WordPress, the 403 Forbidden error frequently appears. Fortunately, this typical WordPress error has a few quick fixes. You might even be able to solve the problem with assistance from your web host, depending on your hosting plan. We'll examine the 403 Forbidden error

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Understanding Domain for Your Website

When you start to establish your online presence, knowing what a domain name is and how to choose the best domain name can be crucial. You want it to reflect your brand and stand out as memorable. We'll discuss issues like: How do you choose a domain name that suits you?What are the costs involved? How are you able to link it to your website?Can you later modify your domain name? It's beneficial to comprehend a

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10 Ways to Reduce Bounce Rate on Your Site

The percentage of visitors to your website who decide to leave without viewing any other pages is known as a bounce rate. In other words, a high bounce rate indicates that few visitors are looking around your website. They are merely arriving on a page and clicking away without looking around the entire website. A visitor can leave your website by opening a new window or tab, clicking the close button, selecting a different website

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Website Conversion Rate. What is It?

Conversion rate optimization involves a wide range of techniques and resources. Understanding the advantages of conversion rate optimization may increase your motivation to use these techniques. Among many other benefits, it can expand your audience and increase sales. What is Conversion Rate Optimization? By increasing the conversion rate of a website or the quantity of visitors to a web application, conversion rate optimization (CRO) is a process that helps your business. What Does Conversion Rate

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Why Use Domain Privacy?

Between January 2017 and March 2018, nearly 1.9 billion records containing personal information were compromised. External hackers and data attackers are responsible for 75% of data breaches. Furthermore, the average cost of a single data breach can reach $3.62 million. If you're a website owner who's still wondering, "Do I need domain privacy?" you'll need to make some serious changes. Given the potential consequences of data breaches, you should take domain privacy protection seriously and

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8 ChatGPT Alternatives for Digital Marketers

Since ChatGPT's debut, SEO experts and creators all around the world have been testing the AI chatbot to see how it may make their lives easier. The public has put ChatGPT to a lot of use automating activities, producing content, and coming up with solutions for specific projects. OpenAI is not the only chatbot available, though. Bard, Bing, and more ChatGPT substitutes are currently available on the AI. Up to this point, ChatGPT has dominated

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