Blog Tips : The Best Blog Traffic Strategy

16-proven-content-distribution-strategies-to-make-every-blog-post-successfulBlog traffic differs from other types found online being a blogger is more concerned with developing loyalty with these people! Ultimately returning traffic to your blog is what you want and this requires more of a strategy than the use of tactics that typically offer short term results! Since visitors want something of interest to read it would seem that focus should be placed on the creation and presentation of unique content! Bloggers want to build traffic as opposed to generate it the difference being by building you are also developing loyalty.

With that being said here are 3 areas a blogger will want to concentrate on to build traffic and reader loyalty!

Useful Information


If you copy the work of others this will only bring results over the short term but blogging is a long term process therefore this approach will eventually leave you high and dry! To really build traffic that will continue to return you must create unique content that people will not find under the name of any other author! Now finding new subject matter you can write about that holds relevancy to your niche may sometime be difficult but adding your insight and opinions is NOT! Interesting material does not necessarily have to be breaking news as long as it is thought provoking or otherwise original in some way!

Easy to Navigate


Since ideally the traffic to your blog has an interest in what you write or how you present it so make it easy for them to find other related material! Always have an archive available and categorize your topics so visitors can handily navigate all your postings both new and old! Another great way to facilitate an easy and enjoyable navigational experience is to use internal links within your updates! Simply linking to other entries you have with related material to the post a reader is viewing allows them to read more about the subject if they are so inclined. Word of caution here however is to avoid the use of too many links within one update since this can diminish the perceived importance or value a reader may place on them!

Easy to Share


Take advantage of one of the most powerful strategies available to dramatically and efficiently increase your exposure online and that is viral marketing! This is a great way to get traffic to your blog and being that others are basically ‘endorsing’ your site when they share it with others it provides social proof as well! Make use of social sharing buttons and/or tabs that will allow others to easily share what they like on your platform with their friends and followers at other sites and locations!

When ‘developing’ blog traffic the primary focus should be on creating plenty of unique content for people to view. In doing so you are creating the best case scenario for returning traffic to your blog which is what you want and can only be done by building loyalty with visitors. Give people what they want and they will return, in most cases with some of their friends and/or colleagues they referred as well! This is how you build traffic as opposed to simply generating it and the 3 areas discussed above, if properly addressedScience Articles, will help you do just that!