European ASP.NET Hosting Tips :: How to Make Money from Blogging

Have you ever wonder how to make online money? Starting a blog can be a possible way to earn long-term income by just doing some writing on stuff that you actually like and care about. Yes, you can make a lot of money from blogging but, like other traditional businesses, it’s not guaranteed. However, if you do it right, you will continue making money for years to come. Blogging is a big investment for making online money. Below are some of the best way to make money from blogging.

blogging-make-moneyYou can Make Money from Blogging! How does It works?

Search engines find and cache the articles that you write on you blog or site, and over time each post is “worth more” to the search engines. That means you’ll get more web site traffic with every passing month as your site gains credibility. This does not happen overnight. It takes persistence and even some hard work, but you can do it if you’re serious and committed. So. let’s talk about the specific tips to make money from blogging.

Tips #1 – How to Make Money from Blogging: Use Pay per Click (PPC)

Pay Per Click (CPC) is what an advertiser pay to search engines and Internet publishers for a single click on their advertisement, which directs one visitor to the advertiser’s website. Google’s Adsense program is the biggest player here. It’s pretty simple to get running on PPC. You can sign up for an account, use their tool to build an ad code, and then paste it onto your site. This way will bring people to click on those ads then Google will pay you “x” amount per click. So, this program is named as “pay per click.” This is a great way to make passive income.

Basically they bring together advertisers and website owners and in return you split the profit with them. Google pays 68% of the money that they typically receive. They’re basically charging a third in commission, but two-thirds of something is a whole lot more than 100% of nothing. The ads are contextual which means that they are selected based on your website’s content. They come in both text & graphic banners, and have various ad sizes. Basically this type of cost per click blog advertising is great until you get big enough to attract direct advertisers.

Tips #2 – How to Make Money from Blogging: Make Paid Product Review

Basically, when people are going to buy something, they go online first to see what people are saying about it. Companies know this and now often pay bloggers to review their products. You can try to write a review about their product. Then who knows? You will be paid a lot of money from the company because of your good review. However, you have to know the rules first before you make a product review. Just be sure to disclose that you are being paid to review it, or have a general disclaimer in your terms of use.

Tips #3 – How to Make Money from Blogging: Try Affiliate Marketing

With this type of marketing, you can earn a commission for every product you refer a reader to. It basically works like this: let’s say you apply to an affiliate program and get approved. You’d then mention a product in a post and link to the online store featuring the product. If a reader clicks on the link and buys the item, the program will give you a piece of the sale.

One popular example is the Amazon Associates program. Once you’re accepted into the program, your commission could range from 4 to 8.5%, depending on how many products are bought in a given month (the more sold, the higher your rate). So helping to sell $4,000 worth of women’s shoes, for example, could mean $160 to $340 in revenue.

Tips #4 – How to Make Money from Blogging: Try Video Blogging

Video blogs (or vlogs) are not only fun to make, but also potentially profitable if you get a strong following. Building a loyal viewership by consistently uploading engaging clips is vital to your success.

Joining YouTube’s partner program is a popular monetizing strategy among vloggers. Once you produce and submit a video, Youtube places ads inside or near the video, and you’ll earn revenue every time someone click or views the ad. Payments are then made through a Google AdSense account.

Tips #5 – How to Make Money from Blogging: Try to Sell Stuff (Your Stuff or Other’s People) in Your Blog

The last and the most favourite way to make money from blogging is try selling the stuff. For example if you’ve got a dating blog, and you have a loyal readers, dedicated following, and you’ve got tons of great posts that people love to read, why not collect your posts and make them for sale in a book/e-book format? You can even build premium content available which only paid by members. An now you have repeated income!

The numbers can add up dramatically if you offer substantial value and keep your members satisfied. This can lead to other sales opportunities such as coaching sessions, workshops, and other products. You can even hire ghostwriters to create the product. That way you just sat back. Let them do the hard work, pay a fixed amount, and then collect a potentially lucrative payoff down the road.

Or if you don’t want to mess with your own product  because there are things to manage like sales pages, customer service and tiring ways to create the product, then you can try to sell other people’s stuff.

We can Help You to Make Money from Blogging

The first thing you need to do to make money from blogging is finding a home for your new blog. This is where your blog will live. It’s where you’ll write, publish, and manage your blog posts (or articles). It’s where you’ll decorate and personalize your blog. Don’t make the critical mistake of choosing the best web hosting company to host your blog. Be smart and go with a full service blog hosting like

When you host your blog with, we will install and set up your blog or site and map your domain name to your new blog at no additional cost to you. support WordPress, the easiest and most powerful blogging and website content management system (or CMS) in existence today. Not only that, will also install for FREE the following plugins to get you started in the right direction on WordPress.

  • Yoast WordPress SEO – the ultimate WordPress SEO plugin will help you rank higher in search engines.
  • Google XML Sitemaps – will get your posts indexed quickly on Google
  • Google Analytics for WordPress – see who’s visiting your new blog with the best blog analytics tool of all.
  • Akismet – great anti-spam plugin to automatically kill off spam comments.
  • Gravity Forms – totally customizable forms that you can use for things like your Contact Us page, author submissions, and advertiser requests.
  • Additional plugins for emails subscriptions, social media, and advertising. is European Windows Hosting Provider which focuses on Windows Platform. We deliver on-demand hosting solutions including Shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Servers, and IT as a Service for companies of all sizes. We have customers from around the globe, spread across every continent. We serve the hosting needs of the business and professional, government and nonprofit, entertainment and personal use market segments.