Online Reputation Management Guide for your Business Success

online-reputation-management-guideWhat according to you is online reputation management? Some of you will say it’s about the public relation, some people think it’s just a social media monitoring and the rest one literally have no idea how enormously it impacts on your business and sales.

Your business reputation management is very vital. In this guide, we are going to explain you the role of online reputation management in today’s business and media landscape.

It’s Time to Wake Up

The internet was so different in the past. Companies just gave more emphasis on selling rather than engaging customers. That was the reason customers could not express their feelings for your brand and the overall communication landscape was very “top down”

The situation has radically changed now. Today, you hardly find any website with static brochures, user generated content is the basic priority of any website. No matter you are a reputed large company or mere start-up, they (clients, prospects, audience) are talking about you. They are leaving a comment on Facebook post and blogs, tweeting about your latest product, hashtags your brand on Instagram and much more. There are many risks associated with these reactions. If you think you can make it or skip this without taking into account people’s opinions, voice and review, then really it’s a time to wake up and think again. One of the most recent and important things in ORM is “Be transparent”. Some will like you, some will hate you, but remember do something that no one ignores you. Being transparent with your business is risky, but if you avoid it in the long run then it is more risky. What does “being transparent,” mean? Have a look at it:

•    Be true with your brand, no hiding criticism and addressing with people.

•    Allowing employees to talk about your brand publicly

•    Establishing a good two-way communication channel.

•    Asking for a review and feedback

Online Reputation Grenade

Your personal reputation management is very significant. There are two types of negative content that companies should be aware of. One is represented by the bad reviews and complaints on social media channels. They do not pose any harm to your business until your company has some serious problem. If you addressed properly with the complainers then there is nothing to worry about. The other one is like a grenade for your business, which badly damage your reputation. They are very powerful because they are prominent in SERPs. What if someone searches for your brand and finds defamatory content on Google SERPs? Let’s check out some of those

•    Negative Reviews and Testimonials:  Reviews and testimonials sites allow the user to share their thoughts about the brand. Do they like your product/service? How’s their experience with your product/service? Negative content not only affects your reputation, but can also affect your sales.

•    Hate Sites: Some people go beyond the limit and post more than bad reviews. They create an ad-hoc website with their illegal content. These sites are known as “Hate sites”. Sometime people write false information and insult them online. Whenever any person will search for your brand, the truth in the SERPs will make him run away.

•    Negative Online Media Coverage: There is no such bad publicity at all. Many times TV, Newspapers and online media coverage’s negative advertise your brand which impacts badly on companies and brands.

Some Brand Reputation Management Tips

Article 19 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that:

“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”

This is good for freedom of speech’s perspective, but bad if your company has been attacked or defamed. Online reputation management will change in coming years. Here are some simple tips definitely will benefit you and your brand.

1.    Respect Your Audience: Many business experts say, “Trust is a perishable asset and it’s hard to gain”. Be truthful and transparent with your brand. If you are making any promise, fulfill it. Making people respect for your products/services are more important than any other ORM strategy.

2.    Monitor Your Audience: Monitoring your audience through different social media channels is yet another method to enhance your ORM. These days, lots of people ask about your product/service via Facebook whether to buy or not, Twitter and other social media channels. So, provide the right answers will bring business for you.

3.    React Quickly and Politely: Once you get a bad review for your brand on any social media channels, it’s better to give the solution to your customers as soon as possible. Say politely “Your query is important for us and we will resolve your problem ASAP”.

4.    Feel the Power of the Google Page: First impression is the last impression and we do not judge many books by its cover. If someone finds “scam” “poor product/service and “rip off” associated with your brand on Google search then something you should really worry about.

5.    Learn From Your Mistakes: There is always a chance of improvement. Nobody is perfect, somewhere or the other every brand did some mistake. It’s better to realize your mistake and start work for correcting it.

6.    If Necessary, Ask for Help: If your efforts are not enough to protect your Online Reputation Management, you can go for an online reputation management company or an ORM consultant. They can help you to restore and increase your brand image.