SEO tips to increase your traffic in WordPress

WordPress is a fantastic tool when it comes to website content creation and design. But what is the purpose of having a nice designed and interesting website if nobody sees it and that is not search engines optimized? Google cares more about content, keywords, meta than design. That is why there are a few SEO optimizations you need to set up to improve your visibility in search engines page results. Today, we are going to share with you 10 tips to optimize your WordPress website for SEO.

1# Content

This first one is not a surprise. Content is what makes your website identity but also what helps Google rank it for specific search queries. Your content should be filled with your main keywords, be descriptive, informative and unique. Don’t only think of your content in terms of search engine optimizations but also for your visitors. They do appreciate qualitative content that add value and deliver insights.

2# Linking

Build partnerships with other websites from your industry and from authorities (websites with a high page ranking) and get backlinks from them. It will help grow your domain authority and influence regarding Google’s eyes. If a lot of qualitative websites point to you, Google will see your website as a good source for users. But don’t buy links from poor quality websites, spammy directories or any other shady places. Think quality before quantity!
Your internal linking also matters. It helps organize your site structure, ease your visitors reading when the page linked is relevant and spread link juice throughout your website.


3# Image names

Your images are not just here to illustrate your content as they can bring extra information and help Google rank your website for a specific query. Google’s Image results can drive a lot of traffic to a website, so don’t underestimate them. Use proper image name to include the keyword you want to be ranked for. Leaving automatic image name like DSC8989.jpg is a terrible mistake as Google will not be able to understand what your image is about and rank it. The ALT tag is also an attribute that you can use to describe with extra keywords your images. They have a nice SEO power.

4# Permalinks

Optimize your permalinks for search engines. Instead of, prefer if your page talks about specific wine brand from Bordeaux for instance. Google takes into account the first words in a permalink so don’t waste them with stop words. Include your keywords and relevant terms that help your visitors to directly know what your content is going to be about.

5# Sitemap

Use a sitemap to ease Google’s crawl. When it comes to improve your rankings, a XML sitemap can be a really good partner. It helps Google to easily understand your website structure while crawling it. Sitemaps are known as URL inclusion protocols as they tell search engines what to crawl. With plugins like Google XML Sitemap, it is very easy to set this up.

6# Theme

Use a search engine optimized themes. Some of them have too dense codes that will lower your site speed performances. And as this is one of the Google ranking parameters, it will decrease your chances to be well ranked.

7# Meta

Use title tags and meta description to describe your website. They participate to rank your content and highlight specific keywords. Hn also contributes to organize your website content and ease your website indexation. Use them wisely as keyword stuffing strategies are penalized. They should be unique, descriptive and using your main keywords.

8# Social Media

Social media are a good way to promote your website, build your visibility and share your expertise. If you do not only share your content but also articles from your industry, you will develop your network and people will be more likely to share your own content and link back to you.

9# White hat

Don’t use black hat techniques to fool Google. If the search engine finds it out, it will penalize your overall ranking signal. Prefer long-term strategies that will last in time rather than shady techniques. They are SEO quick wins approved by Google that can improve your SEO quite fast.

10# Flash

Don’t use Flash as Google cannot crawl it. You will be missing opportunities to rank your website.

Do you have any other tips you would like to share with us?