Say NO to WordPress SPAM!

Unfortunately, comment spam is a fact of life on the internet. If you enable comments on your website, you will have to deal with spammers. To prevent your site from making a poor first impression, you’ll need to find a way to stop comment spam in its tracks. While you may never be able to eliminate spam entirely, you can do a lot to slow it down. For WordPress users, there are plenty of simple tweaks you

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5 Error that You Can Find on WordPress

Most of the time your WordPress site will operate without issue. However, on occasion, you might run into an issue that’ll take your site offline, or make it very difficult to use. Although these issues can be frustrating, they are solvable most of the time. Whether you made an update that led to a theme conflict, or you’re experiencing a connection error, most of these problems can be quick fixes. Below we’ll examine some of

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