Learn DNS Within 10 Minutes

DNS stands for Domain Name System, a system that will make it easier for you when you want to visit a website. Without DNS, you have to write an IP address like to access a website, complicated isn't it? Plus, every website has a different IP address! Well, DNS will translate the IP address into a domain name so you can just write down the domain like Google.com, HostForLIFE.eu, and so on. Want to

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How to Check DNS Propagation and Accelerate the Process

When buying a new domain, there will be a process called DNS propagation. What is DNS propagation? DNS propagation is when you can't access the domain you just bought. Even though the hosting service has been active and your domain has also been registered. But in more detail, what exactly is DNS propagation? So, in this article, we will discuss about DNS propagation and the process. What is DNS Propagation? DNS propagation is the time

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