SEO tips to increase your traffic in WordPress

WordPress is a fantastic tool when it comes to website content creation and design. But what is the purpose of having a nice designed and interesting website if nobody sees it and that is not search engines optimized? Google cares more about content, keywords, meta than design. That is why there are a few SEO optimizations you need to set up to improve your visibility in search engines page results. Today, we are going to share

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Tips to Improve WordPress for SEO and the User Experience

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems available today, As someone who codes within WordPress on a daily basis, it’s easy for me to sell WordPress to clients. They are assured that the CMS platform is future proof – at least for the foreseeable future. However, downloading and installing WordPress isn’t enough to make the site successful for SEO, security, and performance. But the following basic tips will improve your WordPress site

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