Building Your List with Social Media

blogE-mail marketing is still hugely effective nowadays.  One of the best ways to build your e-mail list is with the help of social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter.  Here are a few ways to do that.

When it comes to social media, Facebook should definitely be one of the main sites for you to focus on.  Create a fan page and link it to your website.  You can also put the subscription form to get people to sign up on your list right on your fan page if you do not want to simply link back to the page on your website.

Make sure you tell people what they will be receiving whenever they sign-up since they usually want an incentive for doing so.  It is also a good idea to network with other Facebook pages too.  This will increase your exposure in your niche and hopefully lead to more people signing up for a list.

Twitter is also one of the best social media websites around today.  You will need to work on getting as many followers as you can after joining the site.  Whenever people start following you, they receive an automated reply.  You should customize this reply to ask people to sign up for your mailing list.

On both Facebook and Twitter, you will need to post messages to your friends and followers quite often without going overboard.  You can even have a contest to get other people to repost your tweets and Facebook posts so you can increase your exposure.  Make sure you offer your friends and followers who do it the most a prize of some sort.

Video is also huge on the Internet nowadays, so websites like YouTube can also be used to build your list.  Whenever you upload a new video clip, simply put a link back to your landing page beneath the clip.  You only want targeted people to join your list, so make sure your videos are relevant to the nature of your list.

Although it is not quite as popular as websites such as Facebook and TwitterHealth Fitness Articles, LinkedIn will also come in handy if you are trying to increase the size of your email list.  There is a website section on your profile you can put a link back to your website’s landing page in.  You can also put your landing page information in the summary section for better results.