Why ASP.NET Core Best for Web Development?

Every business now relies on web applications to communicate with their target market and maintain brand awareness. As the IT industry continues to develop, new technologies are being introduced to the market, which is making it difficult for many organizations to choose an appropriate platform for creating their business solution. Most businesses have discovered ASP.NET to be an appropriate technology for creating their software after searching through a variety of programming languages and development platforms.

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4 Best ASP.NET CMS Open Source

CMS in ASP.NET is considered to be complex and not as popular as PHP-based CMS. But time has changed drastically and so does the CMS build upon ASP.NET CORE. Now the CMS is more reliable, fast, secure, user friendly than before. Because these CMS are now open source CMS and developers can bring major developments, and changes to make these CMS platforms more user-friendly with a lot of other essential features. .NET CORE is one

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10 Useful ASP.NET Core Libraries that AMAZING Helpful!

Microsoft released .NET 7, another major support in the .Net family from the old, Windows-based .Net Framework to an entirely new cross-platform, open-source, offering the new trend for .NET developers. With every new version, new features are added that help developers deploy highly scalable and high-performance applications using less Code. In this article, I’m listing down some of the really useful but not very generally used .Net Core Libraries that every developer should know. 1. Aspnet-boilerplate Asp.Net Boilerplate is a general-purpose application framework particularly developed for new

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