FREE Let’s Encrypt Wildcard SSL from HostForLIFE

As HostForLIFE's customers, you can get free Let's Encrypt Wildcard SSL from us. This setup can be done easily via your Plesk control panel. All it takes is a few clicks in our updated Let’s Encrypt interface in the Plesk Panel. Ever since we heard that Let’s Encrypt plan to launch free Wildcard SSL, we’ve been eagerly waiting for this and we are proud to be among the first hosting companies to successfully integrate the

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Which One to Choose? FREE SSL vs Paid SSL?

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is the method of securing the communications between your website and your website visitors. In the past, these certificates were primarily used on e-commerce sites where online purchases were made and the credit card transactions needed to be secured. Back then you were looking for that trusty ‘https’ at the beginning of your URL that would let online shoppers know they were on a secure site. The number of website owners who installed

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