Website Conversion Rate. What is It?

Conversion rate optimization involves a wide range of techniques and resources. Understanding the advantages of conversion rate optimization may increase your motivation to use these techniques. Among many other benefits, it can expand your audience and increase sales. What is Conversion Rate Optimization? By increasing the conversion rate of a website or the quantity of visitors to a web application, conversion rate optimization (CRO) is a process that helps your business. What Does Conversion Rate

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8 Most Important Google Analytics Metrics

Services such as Google Analytics offer invaluable data. Knowing which metrics to track can shine a light on everything, from what content your users prefer to where visitors come from. Therefore, if you want to cut through the noise, you’ll need to know the most important Google Analytics metrics. That’s why we’ve put together this guide to the most important Google Analytics metrics. We’ll explore data such as traffic sources, bounce rate, and more. We’ll break down the

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Media Social Helps You to Grow Your Business

Social media rules the world. Don’t believe it? Look up from your device, and I bet at least half the room is scrolling TikTok or Instagram.  Recent stats report that 4.7 billion people are on social media. Typically, the younger the generation, the more active they are. Check out the stats from e-Marketer about how many members of each generation are spending time on social media: 49% of Baby Boomers77% of Generation X90% of Millennials If you have a Gen Zer

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5 Ways to Stay Connected with Your Clients During Covid-19

Running a business during a global pandemic is a once in a lifetime situation. It certainly is a testing time. If you can get through the other side of this while retaining your business (even if undergoes a lot of change), then chances are yours is one that will last for many years more. To do this, it’s important that you keep in touch with your clients as much as possible in this period, even

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