Website, Social Media, Mobile Media – Where do you Start?


There are various things you will need to do in order to get an edge in your business.  Some of the most important include building a website as well as getting started using social and mobile media.  With these three choices, how do you decide where to start?

In most cases, it is best that you start by building a website for your business.  It will function as an employee that never stops working for you.  Many of your other marketing methods will point back to your website, so it is especially important to have first.

There is no better time to get started with proper search engine optimization than the present.  A rise to the top in the search engines can mean plenty of traffic coming to your website, potentially turning into plenty of customers.  It can take a while though, so it is best to get started as soon as possible.

When developing a website it is best for you to take mobile media into account.  Design your main website for visitors who are using a computer and another for those viewing on mobile devices.  Your mobile visitors will certainly appreciate how easy a website is to navigate if it is designed especially for them.

Mobile media advertising would be a good next step.  Anyone less than 50 years old will most likely send text messages on a frequent basis.  This form of communication is highly personal.  Advertising in the form of text messages means your messages will be read within 15 minutes or so.

When it comes to mobile media you should also consider signing up for location-based services.  Getting your business listed on these websites can be a significant boost.  Start with FourSquare, Google PlacesPsychology Articles, and Facebook Places.

Social media marketing will also help your business.  Surely you have heard of Facebook and Twitter before.  Signing up for an account with them should have been something you accomplished yesterday.

You will need to build as many followers for your business page as possible.  Your business page will be a great way for you to make announcements about your company.  You can even consider rewarding loyal followers with coupons and other discounts.

It is a good idea to incorporate social media on your website as well.  Make it easy for website visitors to share the content easily with their friends on the social networks.  This can be a particularly useful strategy if you have an assortment of videos on your website.