7 Tools to Detect Malware on Your Site

In previous article, we have explained 6 types of Malware that can damage your site. In this article, we will advise few tools to detect malware on your site. Website users are increasing along with the increasing number of internet users in the world. As a result, the number of digital threats has increased, including malware on websites. A website that has experienced a malware attack will be infected, and unfortunately the presence of malware

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6 Types of Malware on Websites

In previous post, we have explained about 5 things to do if your site infected by malware. In this post, we will learn more about 6 types of malware that might attack your website. Nowadays having a website is a must, whether for personal blogs, business blogs or blogs for general news, but do you understand what malware is? Many people don't care about using websites, so they become targets of malware itself. What Is

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5 Things to Do When Your Site Infected by Malware

Getting malware on your website can be a real problem and it’s important you know how to deal with it quickly and efficiently to prevent future infections. Here are five steps you need to take if you suspect that your site has a malware infection. 1. Make Sure it’s Malware If you suspect that your website has malware, visit Google’s malware detection site to make sure. Once you’ve confirmed that it is indeed malware, proceed to step

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