What is SSL and Benefit Using SSL

Besides being useful for maintaining website security, the SSL function can also be used for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) optimization. This is of course because Google prioritizes safe websites to be presented to users. So, a website that is SSL certified will more easily get a high ranking on search engines which is part of SEO optimization. What are the other functions of SSL? Here Dewaweb has summarized it for you. OK, let's get started!

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Things You Need to Know Further about SSL

Whether you run a single website or you’re a developer of multiple sites, you might want to lightly pencil this date into your diary. Some of the world’s leading browser developers – including Apple, Google and Mozilla – have announced that from 1st September, they will no longer trust any newly-issued SSL certificates that have a lifespan of more than 398 days. In this blog, we’ll look at these changes in more detail and outline

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FREE Let’s Encrypt Wildcard SSL from HostForLIFE

As HostForLIFE's customers, you can get free Let's Encrypt Wildcard SSL from us. This setup can be done easily via your Plesk control panel. All it takes is a few clicks in our updated Let’s Encrypt interface in the Plesk Panel. Ever since we heard that Let’s Encrypt plan to launch free Wildcard SSL, we’ve been eagerly waiting for this and we are proud to be among the first hosting companies to successfully integrate the

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How to Fix Website Marked “Not Secure” in Chrome

Day by day, we are moving toward a more secure web as website owners are now adopting HTTPS encryption for their websites. Previously, the HTTPS was used for several purposes like payment transactions, emails, account login etc. But over the last year, HTTPS has been used more often by websites to keep communications and personal information transmission secure. Google is encouraging the use of HTTPS and releasing new updates frequently on their Google Chrome web

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How to Use HTTPS on Your Site?

In previous article, we have informed you the important of SSL certificate. Now, in this article, we will describe how to get HTTPS and SSL to your site. Internet technology moves rapidly and as the website owner, you must follow this change. Whether you like it or not, you must follow the change. If you stay with an old HTTP site, your site will soon be labelled by most browsers as being an insecure website. In

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5 Things You Need to Know About TLS and SSL

Online security is paramount to a website’s success. You’ve heard the buzzwords: online privacy, cybercrime, malware, phishing, censorship, DDoS attacks, and so on. These issues periodically pester online users, some more than others, of course. An essential to shielding yourself and your site against these security vulnerabilities is the end-to-end encryption of the communication data between computers (PC, phone, etc.) and web servers. We live in an increasingly digitally connected world, where the Transport Layer

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8 Tips to Improve Security on Your Site

Sometimes the best methods to tackle any tasks are the simplest ones. You know that you need to keep your website safe from the bad guys, but once you venture down the rabbit hole of website vulnerabilities you will be faced with complex concepts and convoluted solutions. Still, there are basic best practices to follow for improving your website's security. Here are eight essential things that you can do to safeguard your website right now.

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SSL Secret – How to Choose Correct SSL Certificates for Your Site?

Everyone has to start somewhere when he or she are working with new technology and new types of products. While many of the IT and website management professionals we work with at Comodo very well versed in SSL certificates, they all started out as newbies to the technology. Understanding the SSL certificate differences from more than just a technical point of view can be a real advantage. Knowing how to explain to the website owners or ecommerce

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